• Researches on the future of Agendas 21

    June 2013

    How can we rethink governance to facilitate local sustainable transformations?
    This blog presents two parallel researches on the future of Agenda 21.

    See blog
  • Social innovation in cities – URBACT

    July 2015

    The role of cities is emerging strongly from the First URBACT Capitalisation report, as a catalyst of social innovation and leading to the reflexion on the role of cities in the process that bridges more traditional forms of governance towards more participatory ones. In addition, cities, facing diminishing public resources, especially within the Crisis, need […]

    See blog
  • Boîte à outils Visions +21

    June 2014

    Pour permettre aux collectivités locales de s’emparer des réflexions du groupe de travail national sur les “Agendas 21 de demain” et d’animer une démarche de prospective de leur propre Agenda 21 local, une boîte à outils a été développée au cours de l’année 2013. Des collectivités en Gironde, en Midi-Pyrénées et en Bretagne ont contribué […]

    See blog
  • Mon lycée du 3ème Millénaire

    February 2014

    L’opération de développement Lycée du Troisième Millénaire (inscrite dans le programme de la Transformation Ecologique et Sociale de la Région Nord-Pas de Calais) se propose d’organiser: ‘Mon lycée du 3ème Millénaire’, un processus d’auto-reportage pour permettre à chaque lycée de capturer dans un rapide reportage vidéo les biens communs comme on les rencontre dans un […]

    See blog
  • Ecological and social transformation of the region (TESR)

    October 2013

    The Ecological and Social Transformation of the Nord Pas-de-Calais Region (north of France) aims to propose a new form of public action that overcomes the fields of traditional skills to start from issues considered essential. It emphasizes the mobilization of “stakeholders” and “rearrangement” of actors to ultimately help produce “common goods”, the densification and the […]

    See blog
  • Products-services-systems (TURAS)

    June 2013

    This project explores new hybrid-combinations bewteen products and services systems in order to develop new creative and sustainable business opportunities (both economically viable and creating new jobs) for the Brussels-Capital Region.

    See blog
  • Sustainable Food for Urban Communities (URBACT)

    June 2013

    “Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” is a project involving ten European cities that wish to grow, deliver and enjoy more sustainable food: they are looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions to develop low-carbon and resource-efficient urban food systems.

    See blog
  • Researches on the future of Agendas 21

    June 2013

    How can we rethink governance to facilitate local sustainable transformations?
    This blog presents two parallel researches on the future of Agenda 21.

    See blog
  • Social innovation in cities – URBACT

    July 2015

    The role of cities is emerging strongly from the First URBACT Capitalisation report, as a catalyst of social innovation and leading to the reflexion on the role of cities in the process that bridges more traditional forms of governance towards more participatory ones. In addition, cities, facing diminishing public resources, especially within the Crisis, need […]

    See blog

Projects' Platforms

Social innovation in cities – URBACT

The role of cities is emerging strongly from the First URBACT Capitalisation report, as a catalyst of social innovation and leading to the reflexion on the role of cities in the process that bridges more traditional forms of governance towards more participatory ones. In addition, cities, facing diminishing public resources, especially within the Crisis, need […]

Boîte à outils Visions +21

Pour permettre aux collectivités locales de s’emparer des réflexions du groupe de travail national sur les “Agendas 21 de demain” et d’animer une démarche de prospective de leur propre Agenda 21 local, une boîte à outils a été développée au cours de l’année 2013. Des collectivités en Gironde, en Midi-Pyrénées et en Bretagne ont contribué […]

Mon lycée du 3ème Millénaire

L’opération de développement Lycée du Troisième Millénaire (inscrite dans le programme de la Transformation Ecologique et Sociale de la Région Nord-Pas de Calais) se propose d’organiser: ‘Mon lycée du 3ème Millénaire’, un processus d’auto-reportage pour permettre à chaque lycée de capturer dans un rapide reportage vidéo les biens communs comme on les rencontre dans un […]

Ecological and social transformation of the region (TESR)

The Ecological and Social Transformation of the Nord Pas-de-Calais Region (north of France) aims to propose a new form of public action that overcomes the fields of traditional skills to start from issues considered essential. It emphasizes the mobilization of “stakeholders” and “rearrangement” of actors to ultimately help produce “common goods”, the densification and the […]

Products-services-systems (TURAS)

This project explores new hybrid-combinations bewteen products and services systems in order to develop new creative and sustainable business opportunities (both economically viable and creating new jobs) for the Brussels-Capital Region.

Sustainable Food for Urban Communities (URBACT)

“Sustainable Food in Urban Communities” is a project involving ten European cities that wish to grow, deliver and enjoy more sustainable food: they are looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions to develop low-carbon and resource-efficient urban food systems.

Researches on the future of Agendas 21

How can we rethink governance to facilitate local sustainable transformations?
This blog presents two parallel researches on the future of Agenda 21.

Multi-level Governance Charter

Multilevel Governance Charter : A co-design process with the Committee of the Regions

Sustainable lifestyles 2050 through 4 video-scenarios

What will life in 2050 look like ? What is a sustainable lifestyle ? What does it look like ? Explore four scenarios of sustainable lifestyles in 2050 ! Watch online our video-scenarios !

ENSCI Paris DESIS Lab (2012)

ENSCI Paris DESIS Lab //  The course will explore scenarios of local development based on collaborative services bridging social innovations and public innovations. The suburban area of Saclay, 20 kilometres South-West from Paris has been chosen to host a high level R&D Campus with universities, research labs, high-tech companies, etc… This top-down development project expect […]

Human Cities festival > visit the Toolbox blog

From Friday 16th to Sunday 18th of March 2012, the Human Cities Toolbox is in the street in the area of St Boniface in Brussels! 20 tools are presented in posters spread in the streets of the district in places where those examples could be happening : it’s your turn to let your imagination taking […]

Agenda 21 Molenbeek / Citizen Walks

The Agenda 21 of the City of Molenbeek (Brussels-Capital Region) organised in Novembre 2011 3 citizens walks. The aim of those walks ? Re-discovering their area with the citiezns with a new point of view on sustainable initiatives.

Agenda 21 Saint-Gilles / Citizens participation

This is a project done with the Agenda 21 of the City of Saint-Gilles (Brussels-Capital Region).

Inventer les lycées demain

This blog is presents the work-in-progress of the Experimental Studio: Inventing colleges tomorrow, ENSCI Les Ateliers, Autumn 2010.

Designing Household Energy Practices

Collection of cases of social innovation promising in terms of transition towards sustainable living with UNEP and the Swedish Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles in Brazil, China, India and Africa […]

One Planet mobility cities

Barcelona, Freiburg, Lille, Malmö and Sofia engage with WWFs’ One Planet Mobility Cities programme: these 5 first European cities joint forces to foster systemic change towards sustainable mobility. The two main action paths are the development of a localised assessment tool to compare carbon reductions of different policy measures and creative stakeholders engagement in carrying […]

LOLA Looking for Likely Alternatives

Fostering interests and involvement in education for sustainability and responsible living in national school curriculum: LOLA  starts as a follow-up of our exploration of social innovations for sustainability. Together with the Consumer Citizenship Network, we develop a didactic Teaching Pack to involve pupils and their teachers in this fruitful activity aligned with project-based education and […]

City eco lab

Sustainable project in Saint-Etienne What are more sustainable ways of living? What would the daily life of a family, a student or a pensioner be like if all sustainable initiatives, projects, ideas, etc… presented at the Biennale International Design were available now in Saint-Etienne? To try to answer this question, we ask some people from […]

EMUDE / Emerging user demands for sustainable solution

This blog is a digital magazine that shows cases of social innovation promising in terms of sustainable developement. It offers a platform of dialogue for the creative communities that generates these innovations to exchange on the different solutions they promote, between them and with the rest of the citizens that their alternative ideas may stimulate […]


This blog presents all the work developed by the students of the course  “Representation & visualisation” hold at the Politecnico of Milan in 2005-06